After a four-year haitus, Mandarin Radio is back — And better than ever!
Our new streaming host Radionomy has made it possible to broadcast legally to a wide audience in exchange for two ad breaks per hour.
In 2012, the royalties and reporting requirements were becoming to expensive and time-consuming to continue. And other than iTunes and Live365, there were few places listeners could find us. With Radionomy, we Mandarin Radio can reach a larger audience. The more listeners, the greater our reach.
You can help with our first goal – to get back on iTunes Radio.
Radionomy will list us after we reach an average daily total of 130 hours of listening. That’s only an average of 5.5 listeners all day. When we stopped broadcasting in 2012 we had well over 2500 listening hours per day.
So listen, tell your friends to listen, let your pets listen while you are at work . . . You get the idea.
And leave us a comment about what you like (or hate) and what you want more of.
Welcome or welcome back. Enjoy the music!